Cannot retrieve entity config: modulename/tablename


You may encounter a Cannot retrieve entity config: modulename/tablename error in Magento when adding a setup script.


There are two main causes of this error. The first is to ensure that when you define your lt;resourceModel> within your module’s config.xml file, for example:


Ensure that the <vendor_modulename_resource> is defined outside the pair of <modulename> nodes, but within the pair of <models> nodes. The code below shows how this should look.


The other cause of this error can be due to a misconfiguration within the pair of <vendor_modulename_resource> nodes.

Within the setup scripts, when using the line $installer->getTable('modulename/tablename'), ensure that the part before the / within getTable() matches the node name of that within the <models> node in config.xml.

    <modulename> <!-- This node -->

The part after the / should match the name of the node given within the <entities> node used to define your table name.

                <tablename> <!-- This node -->

Ensuring that these two configurations are correct will eliminate the risk of the Cannot retrieve entity config error.

Note: This article is based on Magento Open Source version 1.9.