31st January 2017
There are seven Magento product types in the application, and one of them can be used when creating a product in the admin. The different product types can be seen below.
- Simple
- Configurable
- Grouped
- Bundle
- Virtual
- Downloadable
- Gift Card (EE only)
Simple Products
The required default fields for creating a simple product are as follows:
- Name
- Description
- Short Description
- Weight
- Status
- Visibility
- Price
- Tax Class
- Qty (If “Manage Stock” option is set to “Yes”)
Configurable Products
To create a configurable product, you must have at least one attribute that has scope “Global”, input type “Dropdown” and has an attribute option “Use To Create Configurable Product” set to “Yes”. You can then select the attribute(s) and continue to the next screen. The next required default fields are as follows:
- Name
- Description
- Short Description
- Status
- Visibility
- Price
- Tax Class
Grouped Products
The required default fields for creating a grouped product are as follows:
- Name
- Description
- Short Description
- Status
- Visibility
Note: The price/tax class/weight/qty fields for grouped products come from the associated simple products.
Bundle Products
The required default fields for creating a bundle product are as follows:
- Name
- Description
- Short Description
- SKU (Can be fixed or dynamic)
- Weight (Can be fixed or dynamic)
- Status
- Visibility
- Price (Can be fixed or dynamic)
- Tax Class
- Price View (Can be “Price Range” or “As Low As”
- Qty (If “Manage Stock” option is set to “Yes”)
Virtual Products
The required default fields for creating a virtual product are as follows:
- Name
- Description
- Short Description
- Status
- Visibility
- Price
- Tax Class
- Qty (If “Manage Stock” option is set to “Yes”)
Downloadable Products
The required default fields for creating a downloadable product are as follows:
- Name
- Description
- Short Description
- Status
- Visibility
- Price
- Tax Class
- Qty (If “Manage Stock” option is set to “Yes”)
Within the downloadable product section, you can also specify “Samples” and “Links”
Samples – gives the customer a sample of your downloadable product
Links – upload the file or URL here. You an also upload samples to each link to provide the customer a more detailed preview if you have multiple links.
Also within the “links” section, there is a “Max. Downloads” setting and a “Price” field should you need to charge additionally. The price field only becomes editable if the “Links can be purchased separately” dropdown is set to “Yes”.
The required default fields for creating a gift card product are as follows:
- Name
- Description
- Short Description
- Status
- Visibility
- Amount
- Use Open Amount
- Qty (If “Manage Stock” option is set to “Yes”)
- Card Type
The following points should be noted when dealing with the product types specified.
- Weight is only required on simple and bundled products (for bundled products, specify “fixed” or “dynamic”).
- Virtual and Downloadable products need no shipping method.
- Downloadable product options can be set within System -> Configuration -> Catalog -> Catalog, and expand the “Downloadable Product Options”. The options are:
- Order Item Status to Enable Downloads – This can either be “Pending” or “Invoiced”
- Default Maximum Number of Downloads – Zero means infinite
- Shareable – “Yes” allows link to be shared. “No” prevents guest purchases
- Default Sample Title
- Default Link Title
- Open Links in New Window
- Use Content-Disposition – “Inline” download as link. “Attachment” download in email attachment
- Disable Guest Checkout if Cart Contains Downloadable Items
Note: This article is based on Magento CE version 1.9.