
Magento Product Types

There are seven Magento product types in the application, and one of them can be used when creating a product in the admin. The different product types can be seen below.

Gift Card (EE only)

Simple Products
The required default fields for creating a simple product are …

Magento Price Generation

When viewing a product page in Magento, its price is rendered by a method in its view.phtml template.
The getPriceHtml() method belongs in the Mage_Catalog_Block_Product_Abstract class and contains the following.
The _preparePriceRenderer() method returns us the product block type and the block template.
The _getPriceBlock() method is as follows.
And the _getPriceBlockTemplate() method can be …

Magento Visual Merchandiser

Enterprise/Commerce editions on version 1.14.1 and above are introduced to the Magento Visual Merchandiser tool. This gives the Magento merchant the ability to do the following.

Drag and drop products to change their position in the list.
Feature select SKUs as hero products that appear first in the list.
Create dynamic product lists with …

Magento Custom Product Type

This article will demonstrate how to add a Magento custom product type.
It’s important to start by taking a look at how Magento currently sets up product types. As we know with Magento, much of the configuration is found in the modules’ config.xml file, and this is also where the product type configuration resides.