
Add Custom Page Templates in Magento

Magento provides a few default page templates to assign CMS pages to. Here is a post describing how to add custom page templates in Magento, so that they can be selected from the template list dropdown within the admin.
Like with any custom functionality, it is recommended to create a Magento module.
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Override Admin Templates Within Magento

As well as making modifications to template files on the frontend of the website, sometimes it is necessary to override admin templates within Magento to provide additional functionality.
Let’s assume we want to make a modification to the order screen when clicking on an order under the Sales -> Orders section in the admin.

Magento Structural and Content Blocks

Within Magento’s layout files, there are structural and content blocks that are defined. This article will cover the differences between the two.
Structural blocks are, as the name suggests, blocks that define the structure of the page. Examples of structural blocks are: header, left, content, right and footer.
The content structural block is defined …