If, like many merchants using Magento, you have configured Magento to manage product stock levels, Magento will automatically return stock to product(s) should a credit memo get created for the product(s) ordered. However, there is a missing feature involving credit memos and stock availability in Magento.
If there is only a qty of 1 of …
Occasionally you may wish to remove newsletter posts that have been queued in Magento, either before or whilst the queue is being processed. Removing the newsletter queue in Magento is no easy task, as there isn’t an action to do so via the admin interface in Magento.
There may be several reasons why you …
As a merchant you may view and analyse data in the Magento admin using the in-built reporting tool. If your timezone has recently updated, such as the clocks have gone forward or back an hour, you might find that Magento reports are inaccurate, and data is missing for specific dates. Correcting wrong Magento reports requires …
If you have followed the grid and form articles, you will have successfully set up an adminhtml grid and form within the admin panel.
This article will look further at adding tabs onto the left hand side and therefore showing and hiding some simple fields when switching between the tabs.
To summarise what you should …
Widgets are found within the admin when you first go to add a widget instance under CMS -> Widgets. The default widget types for Magento Community/Open Source Edition can be seen below.
CMS Page Link
CMS Static Block
Catalog Category Link
Catalog New Products List
Catalog Product Link
Orders and Returns
Recently Compared Products
Following on from our Custom Grid guide, we can now start adding a Magento admin custom form, where we’ll be able to add, edit and remove data.
We saw previously that Magento grids extend the Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Grid_Container and Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Grid classes.
Magento forms extend the Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Form_Container and Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Form classes.
So we’re looking to add two …
By default, the Magento dashboard page is usually the first page that is seen when logging into the Magento admin area.
The dashboard provides the merchant with an overview of customer and sales activity. Note that you can change the view if you have multiple website or a multiple store view setup
Dashboard Sections
The …